• Goal Setting
  • Action!

    If you want to move in a new direction in an area of your life there are two options. The first option, you can “just let it happen”. You can be a free-flowing soul who just floats along life’s river letting the current and the weather take you where it will. The second option is […]

  • Goal Setting
  • Building A Skeleton

    Hopefully, you have spent time considering one area of your life and are coming up with ideas that excite you and you will be able to establish as your goal. Your goal(s) do need to excite and inspire you. Your goal(s) need to be what you are passionate about and what motivate you. Let’s go […]

  • Goal Setting
  • Are You Following Any Ol’ Path?

    Creating a plan for achieving your new habit is critical to success. No matter what area of your life you are choosing to focus on, your career, your marriage relationship, raising your children, your health, your wealth, your community involvement, your political involvement, your education, your relationships with family and friends or your spiritual views, […]

  • Goal Setting
  • Start With One

    Have you ever woke up one day deciding to begin a new habit and by the end of the day have it fully engrained in your life? No, of course you haven’t. Habits don’t work that way. Habits begin very slowly. That may be one of the reasons why good habits are hard to develop […]

  • Goal Setting
  • How Do Habits Work?

    As we endeavor to make changes in our life we come face-to-face with the realization of the challenge of the undertaking. We come to understand the strength of habits. We have habits in every area of our life. Some are obvious and we recognize them. Most are less obvious, but nevertheless they are habits. Take […]

  • Goal Setting
  • Resolutions

    We are about one week into the new year and about 40% of the resolutions people made are already broken. And another 20% will fall by the wayside by the end of January. Why does this happen? It’s a common pastime of our society to make New Year’s Resolutions. Something about changing from one year […]

  • Mindset
  • The Challenge of Change

    There is a dynamic to life that permeates every bit of our lives and we can’t get away from it. CHANGE Life is constantly changing. There is no way to stop it. Changes in our bodies. Changes in our emotions. Changes in our beliefs. Changes in our residence. Changes in our jobs. Changes in our […]