Growth Comes From These Three Things

If you are a follower of Pursue Great!, In all you do, most likely you are someone who is searching for growth in your life. You are seeking to make improvements to grow and become better. That is great!

Growth generally comes from three things. The first two are intertwined and could be counted as one. Growth in your life will come from new people you meet and new information you learn. These two are related because growth will come from the new people you meet when you choose to learn from them. This will be one source of bringing new information into your life. Seek out and find people who have accomplished things in life that you want to accomplish. Be in their presence. Listen and learn.

Seek out and find people who you look up to, people who you respect. Maybe they have not done what you want to do, but accomplished people in all walks of life have a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge and a lot of wisdom to share.

The second thing that is intertwined with meeting new people and learning from them; is what you read, watch and listen to. What do you read? Are you reading anything? What do you watch? What do you listen to? Is what you are putting into your mind useful for growth and improvement or is it simply entertaining? Is what you are studying valuable to help you achieve your dreams and goals or is it simply wasting away your valuable time.

You see, we all only get twenty-four hours in a day. Time is the one resource that cannot be replenished. Once it is spent, it is gone… forever. You can’t get yesterday back, not even last hour or last minute. How are you choosing to use your most valuable resource?

There are numerous resources… books on self-growth, business, relationships, spiritual, financial, and so on. There are podcasts aimed at helping people make improvements in their lives; again on a huge variety of subjects. There are websites with tons of educational material covering every subject imaginable. Many resources are completely free. Many others have small, reasonable charges.

You have access to basically an infinite amount of information from very smart, very learned, very experienced, very wise men and women who are spending their time to make it available to you for free or almost-free. Some of the most successful and accomplished people in the world share what they have learned during their lifetime, and it is available to you.

The third thing we learn from is our pain, mostly due to our mistakes. Many of the mistakes we make we could avoid by learning from these previously mentioned people and resources.

But really, stop and think about it. When do you learn the most? Do you learn more when you are succeeding and everything is going along perfectly? Or do you learn more when things go wrong?

Yes, when things go wrong. Why it that? Because when things are going well, we generally don’t stop and analyze why things are going so well. We just accept it and enjoy the moment. But things don’t stay that way forever do they? No, things change. Something goes wrong. Things get a bit out-of-whack. Or they completely blow-up.

That’s when we really learn. Because, now we feel the pain and we spend time, effort and thought on what is broken and how to fix it. We learn lessons that life teaches. We grow.

So there you have it. Three ways to learn and grow. I suggest doing more of the first two and hopefully then you will be able to do less of the third!

Pursue Great! In all you do.

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