Bad Habits That Keep You From Being Successful (Part 1)

Being successful in any area of our life is challenging. It is not automatic. It takes intention and it takes work. There is a saying, “Success is not a destination, but a journey.” This is true because we are not stagnate beings. We are constantly changing. The question is… Are you changing in the way you want?

Here are a few thoughts on things that can get in our way. They are habits that will block us from being successful. It does not matter how you define success or what area of your life you want to focus on. These bad habits will not allow you to go forward down the path toward your goal. These bad habits are paths that are not the journey for which you may be looking.

1. Letting everyone else define “what you want”
Many people let others define their goals. We can fall into the trap of going too far to please other people. Let me be clear. I am not saying that we are not to be sensitive to other peoples wishes, desires and goals. This is especially true in a partnership – marriage, friendship and business. The “what you want” in these relationships is a joint venture. But, we can succumb to the input and pressure of others that we don’t have this close relationship with. Society wants to define you, acquaintances want to define you. And yes, let’s admit it… even our spouses, parents, children, friends and business relations can try to define you in a way that is contrary to your goals. This influence often is subtle. We have to be watchful.

There is another side of the coin though. It is sad to say, but the reality is most people don’t know what they want. Most people don’t spend the time and energy to find out what they really believe and what they really want. Most people go along with the flow or simply let life happen to them. For you to be successful, you need to define what that means, for you. You have to spend the time and energy to think and determine what it is you believe and what it is you want that will, to you, be successful. WHAT DO YOU WANT? DO YOU KNOW?

2. Playing it safe
Fear. It is the great immobilizer. One of our greatest motivations is safety. We want to be safe. We don’t want physical harm to come to ourselves or our families and friends. We don’t want to lose that for which we have worked. We don’t want to feel emotionally injured. Fear keeps us from acting. Fear causes us to accept what the current situation rather than taking action that could move us toward our goals.

After you define what you believe in and your definition of success, don’t let fear stop you from pursuing your goals. To go somewhere one has to leave where they are. You can’t get to second base with one foot still on first. When you leave first there is a risk that you will be put out by the other team. But, if you play it safe and stay on first you can never reach home plate and score.

To Pursue Great!, one has to take a risk. Go for it!!

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