12 Effective Ways To Gain Respect In The Workplace (Part 1 – the first six)

Respect is something we all desire and need. Often we think of respect being something we get or do not get from others. An interesting part of respect is that it starts within ourselves. We have to learn to respect ourselves so we can respect others and in turn receive respect. Understanding that respect is a multi-faceted character trait beginning with us is important to creating respect in our homes, workplaces, communities and society. It starts with us as individuals. Be the change you want to see.

Article by: Lewis Humphries (a writer, blogger and researcher from the UK) posted at http://www.lifehack.org/articles/work/12-effective-ways-gain-respect-the-workplace.html

So what exactly makes us happy in the workplace? In truth there are multiple factors that impact on a contented working life, but gaining respect from our colleagues is arguably the single most important. This forms the foundation for daily working relationships and long-term progression within a particular industry, so consider the following steps towards achieving this:

1. Demonstrate your worth and value as an employee.
The process of gaining respect from both colleagues and superiors begins from the moment you first enter the workplace, and you must immediately demonstrate an understanding of your worth and unique value as an employee. This must not only be reflected in the salary that you [negotiate] from your managers, but also in the way that you undertake your role and add value to the business through the completion of individual tasks that fall within your job description.

2. Interact with your colleagues and care about their lives.
Even with the best of intentions, our lives can sometimes take an unwanted or potentially disruptive turn. This can make it difficult to attend work with a smile and a proactive attitude, but this is crucial if you want to retain the respect of those around you. By continuing to interact with your colleagues and taking a genuine interest in their lives–even during times of hardship–you are displaying an eminently human quality that commands the good will of others.

3. Speak calmly and listen to others.
Respect must always be a mutual concept, as you cannot hope to gain it without offering it in the first instance. It is therefore crucial that you remain a good listener at all times, and take the opinions of others on board before taking a direct action or decision. On a similar note, you must always speak calmly when interacting with both colleagues and superiors, as otherwise you run the risk of alienating them and developing a reputation as someone who is difficult to work with.

4. Always smile during times of triumph.
While the world of work can be challenging, this should not detract from those occasions where you achieve a goal or successfully complete a project. It is important to celebrate these moments, both as an individual and as part of a larger team. A warm and positive smile serves to underline a job well done. This will help to foster greater levels of morale over time, while it will also cement your position as a popular and well-respected employee.

5. Deal with adversity in a similar manner.
Just as professional sportsmen are tested more in defeat than they are in victory, so too the average employee must dig deeper during adversity than in times of prosperity. You must treat both of these entities with a positive and proactive attitude, and maintain your smile even during challenging and difficult times. Your ability to maintain a focused and level head will only boost the esteem in which you are held; this is also a key attribute to have in the business world.

6. Go above and beyond the call of duty.
Whenever you start a job, you are given a basic salary and a job description that outlines the tasks under your control. As you develop relationships with those around you and earn greater levels of responsibility, however, you must be willing to operate outside of these boundaries and do more than is expected of you. Whether this is covering for an unforeseen absence or completing a project within a specified deadline, your willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty will ensure that you remain well-respected among your peers.

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