What Is A Team?

When we are together with a group of people and working to accomplish project(s) we have a team. Teams are not just in sports. Teams are in business, in the military, in community organizations, in churches, in neighborhoods, even our families are teams.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word team this way: a number of persons associated together in work or activity.

A “common goal” is key to the understanding of the concept of a team. Individuals coming together for the purpose of achieving a common goal make a team. Whether the common goal is winning a game, satisfying customers, or loving and supportive relationships, it takes the individuals striving together in unity to gain the prize.

We have all had direct or indirect experience with a group of individuals who did not come together to strive for a common goal. When this occurs, it is clear to those involved, and to those observing, that this is not a team. They may all be wearing the same uniform, but it is clear they are not working together. Each with their own adjenda, disharmony and chaos reigns. Anger, frustration and failure are the result.

An effective team is a group of two or more people who contribute in different ways based on their strengths and weaknesses. They have different roles and functions, yet they compliment each other. Where one is weaker, another is stronger. Each uses their different skill sets and abilities to cover all the bases. A team made up solely of visionaries would not get the job done. A team made up solely of accountants would not get the job done. There needs to be planners, executors and detail people too.

Successful teams produce more together than the individuals would produce separately. There is a power when a group of people come together and work in harmony toward a common goal. The team members unite behind clear, agreed upon goals that everyone understands and is committed to. They also understand the tasks they have to do and are committed to doing them well.

Members understand the power of the common goal, the harmony and the unity of the team, and the need to help each other succeed. We all need help and encouragement from others. Looking back to the chaos in the group of people who work as individuals on their own adjenda, we can see the stark contrast between the success of groups who are comprised of mavericks verses those who are unified.

When people come together there is bound to be differences in opinion, as well as different levels of experience and training. Successful team members understand disagreement is part of the process and find ways to use the disagreements constructively to make necessary and opportunistic changes.

Teams have a lot of discussion in which everyone participates, regarding where the team has been, what is the progress, and how to get where they want to go. Team members listen to each other and everyone’s ideas are heard. Constructive opinions and ideas are met with support and encouragement.

Incredible things can be accomplished by dedicated individuals who come together as a team working toward a common goal. Find yours, buy in and get committed! Pursue Great! In all you do.

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