• Communicating
  • #1 Complaint Regarding Automotive Repair Service

    The automotive business has a history of practices that have made the general public wary of dealing with both repair shops and sales lots. Both repair and sales have a long standing reputation, decades long, of being deceptive. Much of this reputation is well deserved. There was a time where sales people exaggerated the features […]

  • Communicating
  • A Lesson From The Emergency Room

    Delivering exceptional customer experiences requires more than simply being proficient and efficient. We can be proficient at our job. We can know the policies and the procedures. We can carry them out with great efficiency. We can make sure all our ‘T’s’ are crossed and our ‘I’s’ are dotted but still not deliver a great […]

  • Mindset
  • What Do You Think?

    There are times in our lives when we get mad. Really mad. Hopefully, these times don’t occur too often, but sooner or later something happens that sets you off. For some folks, there are a lot of things that set them off. There are others who rarely, or ever it seems, get mad. But there […]

  • Mindset
  • Gratitude (revisited)

    Today we are revisiting a previous post from our study on Character. The character trait of gratitude fits in perfectly with what we have been discussing for the past couple of posts in seeking to recognize the vast majority of the things in our lives that go right and not focusing on the few things […]

  • Mindset
  • Dwell On The Things That ‘Go Right’

    If we are honest with ourselves, when we take a hard look at the things in our day that we think are going wrong often we are getting bent out of shape simply because our personal expectations are not being met. There really isn’t anything going wrong; we are upset because we are not getting […]